Galaxy 1oz

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Galaxy 1oz
Product Details

Galaxy hops are an Australian hop variety that has gained widespread popularity in the craft brewing industry for its intense and unique flavor and aroma profile.

Here are some key features of Galaxy hops:

  1. Flavor Profile: Galaxy hops are known for their bold and complex flavor profile. They contribute a mix of tropical fruit, citrus, and passionfruit notes. The flavors are often described as bright, juicy, and intensely fruity, making Galaxy a sought-after hop for hop-forward beer styles.
  2. Aroma: The aroma of Galaxy hops is one of its most distinctive features. It is characterized by strong tropical fruit aromas, including passionfruit, peach, and citrus. The aroma can be exceptionally vibrant and contributes to the overall aromatic complexity of a beer.
  3. Usage: Galaxy hops are primarily used for aroma and flavor additions in brewing. They are commonly added late in the boil, during whirlpool additions, and in dry hopping to maximize their aromatic contributions. Galaxy hops are often featured in hoppy beer styles.
  4. Alpha Acids: Galaxy hops have a moderate to high alpha acids content, making them effective for providing both bitterness and aromatic qualities to beer. However, their primary value is often in their aromatic contributions.
  5. Beer Styles: Galaxy hops are well-suited for a variety of hop-forward beer styles, including India Pale Ales (IPAs), Pale Ales, and Double IPAs (DIPAs). They are also used in other styles where a burst of tropical fruit aroma and flavor is desired.
  6. Origin: Galaxy hops were developed and released in Australia. They are the result of crossbreeding between Australian high-alpha female plants and a male plant derived from Perle, a traditional German hop variety.

Galaxy hops have become a favorite among brewers for their ability to impart vibrant and exotic flavors and aromas to beer. Beers featuring Galaxy hops often showcase a tropical fruit character that adds a layer of complexity and excitement to the overall sensory experience.