Pacific Jade 1oz

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Pacific Jade 1oz
Product Details

Pacific Jade hops are a New Zealand hop variety known for their distinctive aroma and flavor characteristics.

Here are some key features of Pacific Jade hops:

  1. Flavor Profile: Pacific Jade hops are recognized for their complex flavor profile, which includes both citrus and herbal notes. The flavors can include lemon, lime, and a hint of black pepper. The combination of citrus and herbal elements makes Pacific Jade a unique and versatile hop.
  2. Aroma: The aroma of Pacific Jade hops is characterized by a blend of citrus, especially lemon and lime, along with herbal and spicy notes. The aroma is often described as bright and refreshing, contributing to the overall sensory experience of the beer.
  3. Usage: Pacific Jade hops are commonly used for both bittering and aroma additions in brewing. They are added during various stages of the brewing process, including the late boil for aroma and dry hopping. While they can provide bitterness, their primary value is often in the aromatic qualities they bring to beer.
  4. Alpha Acids: Pacific Jade hops have a moderate to high alpha acids content, typically ranging from around 12% to 14%. This makes them effective for providing both bitterness and aroma to beer.
  5. Beer Styles: Pacific Jade hops are versatile and can be used in a variety of beer styles. They are often chosen for Pale Ales, India Pale Ales (IPAs), and other hop-forward brews where a combination of citrus and herbal/spicy notes is desired.
  6. Origin: Pacific Jade hops were developed in New Zealand and released in the early 2000s. They are a product of New Zealand's hop breeding program, known for producing unique and innovative hop varieties.

Brewers appreciate Pacific Jade hops for their ability to contribute a diverse array of flavors and aromas to beer. The combination of citrus and herbal/spicy notes makes them a valuable ingredient for brewers seeking to create beers with a distinctive hop character.