Sorachi Ace 2oz

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Sorachi Ace 2oz
Product Details

Sorachi Ace hops are a distinctive and unique hop variety known for their bold and complex flavor and aroma profile.

Here are some key features of Sorachi Ace hops:

  1. Flavor Profile: Sorachi Ace hops are known for their complex flavor profile that includes prominent lemon and citrus characteristics. They can contribute notes of lemon zest, lemongrass, and a subtle herbal/spicy quality. The flavor is often described as bright, zesty, and with a hint of dill or coriander. The lemony aspect is particularly pronounced and sets Sorachi Ace apart from many other hop varieties.
  2. Aroma: The aroma of Sorachi Ace hops is one of their most distinguishing features. It is characterized by strong lemon and citrus notes, along with herbal and spicy undertones. The aromatic profile is vibrant and contributes to the overall sensory experience of the beer.
  3. Usage: Sorachi Ace hops are primarily used for aroma and flavor additions in brewing. They are commonly added during the late boil, whirlpool, and dry hopping to maximize their aromatic contributions. While they can provide some bitterness, their main value is in the unique and bold flavor and aroma they bring to beer.
  4. Alpha Acids: Sorachi Ace hops have a moderate to high alpha acids content, typically ranging from around 10% to 16%. This makes them effective for providing both bitterness and aroma to beer.
  5. Beer Styles: Sorachi Ace hops are versatile and can be used in a variety of beer styles. They are often featured in Belgian-style ales, saisons, wheat beers, and Pale Ales. Sorachi Ace can also be a standout choice for experimental and innovative brews where a pronounced lemon character is desired.
  6. Origin: Sorachi Ace hops were developed in Japan and were initially bred for Sapporo Breweries. They are a cross between Brewer's Gold, Saaz, and a Japanese hop variety.

Brewers appreciate Sorachi Ace hops for their ability to add a unique and bold lemon character to beers. The combination of citrus, herbal, and spicy notes makes Sorachi Ace a favorite for brewers looking to create distinctive and flavorful brews.